One more thing

And one more thing:

Quisquis huc accedes
Quod tibi horrendum videtur
Mihi amoenum est
Si dilectat maneas
Si taedat abeas
Utrumque gratum

You who come here
Whoever you are
What may seem horrible to you
Is fine for me
If you like it stay
If it bores you go
I couldn’t care less.

(From the inscription that appears in Latin on a marble plaque at the entrance to Cardinal Chigi’s 17th century Villa Cetinale, at Sovicelli in Tuscany, discovered and translated by John Julius Norwich in “Still More Christmas Crackers – 1990-1999,” [Viking, Penguin Group UK]).

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"Look at the tyranny of party loyalty"

Everything one hears from the spineless creatures leading the Republican Party in control of both houses of Congress leaves the impression that they are far more focused on preservation of power of their party (which they may not have fully comprehended is actually no longer theirs) than they are about the good of the American people, rather than "my constituents."

Mark Twain’s view of party loyalty comes to mind:

“Look at the tyranny of party-- at what is called party allegiance, party loyalty-- a snare invented by designing men for selfish purposes-- and which turns voters into chattels, slaves, rabbits; and all the while, their masters, and they themselves are shouting rubbish about liberty, independence, freedom of opinion, freedom of speech, honestly unconscious of the fantastic contradiction; and forgetting or ignoring that their fathers and the churches shouted the same blasphemies a generation earlier when they were closing their doors against the hunted slave, beating his handful of humane defenders with Bible-texts and billies, and pocketing the insults and licking the shoes of his Southern master.”

1 comment:

  1. Twain was right on, even for today's party. The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. Where are they? The Clintons and the DNC killed Sanders and have nothing left. We need a revolution.
