"Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity!"
Albert Einstein
Buggerthebooboisie is dedicated to the memory and spirit of H.L. Mencken (above) who coined "booboisie," loosely defined as the middle class of the gullible masses. Mencken's observations and commentaries have withstood the test of time -- with appalling modern relevance. I invite all commentary that debunks the prevailing nonsense in America's political and social dialogue. As a newspaperman I also invite the reminiscences of others who recall the happier days of the trade.
On his first visit to America, sitting at an event honoring him listening to laudits from speaker after speaker for several hours, he leaned over to friend and whispered, "I have just discovered a new equation for eternity!"