One more thing

And one more thing:

Quisquis huc accedes
Quod tibi horrendum videtur
Mihi amoenum est
Si dilectat maneas
Si taedat abeas
Utrumque gratum

You who come here
Whoever you are
What may seem horrible to you
Is fine for me
If you like it stay
If it bores you go
I couldn’t care less.

(From the inscription that appears in Latin on a marble plaque at the entrance to Cardinal Chigi’s 17th century Villa Cetinale, at Sovicelli in Tuscany, discovered and translated by John Julius Norwich in “Still More Christmas Crackers – 1990-1999,” [Viking, Penguin Group UK]).

Monday, April 2, 2012

Quote for Today

Sanctus Santorum in search of an act of God

I believe in acts of God.”
     -- Rick Santorum, Republican candidate for President, reacting to assertions it would take an act of God for him to win the GOP nomination.
Really, Rick? Considering the disastrous impact on life and property that acts of God have had in the last year or so, we probably would be a lot safer if God didn’t add a Santorum victory to a list that includes:
·      The most devastating tornados in known U.S. history – more than 300 of them that left 321 people dead and many more injured and property damage in the billions of dollars, including whole communities wiped of the face of the map.
·      Storms in the Philippines and Thailand that left more than 2,000 dead and tens of billions of dollars in damage.
·      Droughts and famine in Africa that the U.N. calculated left some 30,000 children dead.
·      The earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, leaving 15,000 dead, many more injured and homeless and a deadly nuclear mess that will take decades to clean up.
 Please, God. Enough already.